आम खाने के फायदे #mango #fruit#diabetes #food #healthyfood #facts #lifestyle
Point Covers in this video:-
1• Know nutritious value of a mango
2.आम खाने के फायदे।
3. आम खाने का तरीका।
4.Can Diabetic Patients consume mangoes?
5.Health benefits of eating mangoes .
6. आम खाने का समय।
7.A mango can protect and cure us from Cancer.
8.A mango can protect and cure us from Diabetes.
9.A mango can protect and cure us from ulcer.
10.A mango can protrct and cure us from T.B.
11.A mango can protect and cure us from anemia.
12.A mango can protect and cure us from high B.P.
13.A mango can protect and cure us from bad cholestrol.
14.A mango can protect and cure us from erectile disfunction.
15.A mango can protect and cure us from eye disease.
16.A mango can protect and cure us from ulcerative colitis.
17.A mango can cure constipation.
18.A mango can cure gas.
19.A mango can cure bloating.
20.A mango can cure acidity.
21. A mango can indigestion.
22. A mango Has many nutritious value.
23. Health tips
24. for a healthy lifestyle
25. include eating nutritious food such as mangoes, which are often a concern for diabetic patients.
26.Whether you’re looking for healthy breakfast ideas or healthy dinner recipes.
27. it’s important to manage health with proper nutrition and exercise.
28.Suhealth suggests foods and recipes like mango juice, emphasizing diabetic-friendly choices.
28.To combat tiredness and boost strength, incorporate healthy snacks and breakfast options.
29. For overall well-being and vitality, learn from Suhealth latest videos on diet and body strength.
30. Discover how to improve blood health and energy levels with expert tips on health insurance and maintaining a healthy body.
मेरा नाम वैद्य सुबोध मुखर्जी है
मैं health se related video बनाता हूं
जो Science, Facts और Aurveda पर आधारित है.।
Health tips for a healthy lifestyle include eating nutritious food such as mangoes, which are often a concern for diabetic patients. Whether you’re looking for healthy breakfast ideas or healthy dinner recipes, it’s important to manage health with proper nutrition and exercise. Suhealth suggests foods and recipes like mango juice, emphasizing diabetic-friendly choices. To combat tiredness and boost strength, incorporate healthy snacks and breakfast options. For overall well-being and vitality, learn from Discover how to improve blood health and energy levels with expert tips on health insurance and maintaining a healthy body.Can Diabetic Patients consume mango benefits of eatingmangoes, know nutritious value of a mango”
Whatever I have spoken and shown in this
viddo is my personal and honest opinion
based on the information present in
various websites,books. It does not necessarily
represent professional opinion.
This video is not intended to be a
substitute for professional advic,
diagnosis or treatment .This video is for educational purpose only.
Always seek the advice of your doctor
or other qualified health provider
with any questions you may have
regarding a medical condition( For medical advice or diagnosis, consults a professional.).Wishing you good health,fitness and happiness.वैद्य सुबोध मुखर्जी।
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