Discover the 20 most powerful foods to lower blood sugar and cholesterol and how to reduce blood sugar levels without meds by eating foods that can help you control diabetes and cholesterol naturally.
We are fortunate to live on a blessed planet with endless choices for our diet, and proper nutrition is essential to lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Whether you opt for the fruits and vegetables I recommend as organic or choose conventional foods for economic reasons, what matters most is selecting the right foods to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels before considering other dietary changes.
So, are you tired of struggling to manage your blood sugar and cholesterol levels? If so, in today’s video, you will discover the 20 most important foods to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels naturally. I hope you find foods that you already like, and they will help you in the difficult journey of dealing with diabetes and high cholesterol.
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The information about health and diet provided by the “Your Healthy Zone” channel is not intended to self-diagnose. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, cure, or disease prevention. Products, services, information, and other content provided by the “Your Healthy Zone,” including information linking to third-party websites, are provided for informational purposes only.
You should not change your health regimen or diet before consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding a medical condition. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, exercise, or lifestyle program.
#ControlDiabetes #DiabetesPrevention #CholesterolControl
》 Chapters:
00:00 – Start your health journey
01:12 – Foods to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol: #1 Apple cider vinegar
02:54 – Foods to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol: #4 Raspberries
04:10 – Foods to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol: #7 Green tea
06:23 – Foods to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol: #10 Oats
09:26 – Foods to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol: #15 Flaxseed
10:40 – Foods to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol: #18 Coffee