V KASTURI, a 79 year old from Banglore was diabetic since last 15 years. He stopped almost all his diabetic medications and he first reduced his weight to a great extent and when he reached his ideal body weight, he was also successful in maintaining it.
Kasturi ji is a great inspiration for all the diabetic out there in Bharat and around the world.
Here, I want to give you this message that true health can only be achieved with right diet and lifestyle. Follow LDCF Diet to see tremendous results in control, remission and reversal of diabetes.
Longlivelives is a Health channel that features Dr Sanjeev Agrawal an MD Ortho and a Diabetes Coach & Nutritionist Vishal Agrawal who talk about remission and reversal of chronic health ailments.
Dr Sanjeev Agrawal works primarily on Arthritis Remission and Diabetes Control & Reversal, whereas Vishal Agrawal focuses on making the weight loss journey of 45+ people easier.
Our mission is to make India become a healthy country. We do this by providing healthcare solutions like
1) Diabetes Reversal Program
2) Low-Density Carbohydrate and Fats diet(LDCF diet) which is prepared specially by Dr Agrawal for Diabetes and Weight loss
3) Nutritional supplements and Ayurvedic medicines like Joint Fresh, Glucofree, Foorsteps based on pure herbs.
You can contact us at 9769133443 for more guidance.
Social media
✔️Website – https://longlivelives.com/
✔️Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Longlivelives
✔️Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/longlivelives/
✔️Twitter – https://twitter.com/longlivelives
79 वर्षीय Indian Army के पूर्व सैनिक ने diabetes को हराया | No limit for beating diabetes