Welcome! Did you know that diabetes can manifest itself in different ways? There are very common symptoms that appear at night and indicate that a person may have pre-diabetes or early diabetes. Do you know what they are? This is important because many people with diabetes do not know they have the disease.
Diabetes is treatable and in many cases reversible. So the more, the better. By detecting that you have prediabetes, we can prevent you from developing diabetes.
And if you are already diabetic we can avoid all the complications of diabetes, which you know are terrible! But first, start enjoying the video – let’s make this one of the most liked videos on the channel. .
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So share it! And tell me: are you diabetic or pre-diabetic? What part of the planet are you from? Write below.
Let’s do it! Did you know that 9.3% of the world’s popilation has diabetes? What is diabetes? This occurs when blood glucose levels are elevated, but not enough to be considered diabetes. A normal fasting blood sugar level is 99 mg/dL.
If your fasting blood sugar level is between 100-125, you are pre-diabetic or if your fasting blood sugar level (which is the average of the past 10 weeks) is between 5.7 and 6. 4%.
Diabetes is a fasting blood sugar level greater than or equal to 126 mg/dL or a blood sugar level of 6.5% or higher. But what are the most common symptoms that diabetics and pre-diabetics often experience at night?