Hai Sobat Sehat! Pernahkah kamu merasa bingung memilih sayuran yang tepat untuk diabetes dan diet keto? Bingung karena ingin sayuran yang rendah karbohidrat tapi tinggi serat? Tenang, video ini …
#shorts #youtubeshorts #wellness #diabetes #diet #healthyeating #tamil #disease #happiness #pcod #yt
Prabha Nutricure Diet & Wellness Clinic Dt.Prabhavathy Founder & Senior Nutritionist counselling & diet will be provided based on PCOD/PCOS, Thyroid, Diabetes mellitus, Obesity, Underweight, …
आम खाने के फायदे #mango #fruit#diabetes #food #healthyfood #facts #lifestyle
आम खाने के फायदे #mango #fruit#diabetes #food #healthyfood #facts #lifestyle Point Covers in this video:- 1• Know nutritious value of a mango 2.आम खाने के फायदे। 3. आम खाने का तरीका। 4.Can …
Glycemic Index Explained For Diabetics 🍎📊
Understanding the Glycemic Index (GI) is crucial for managing diabetes effectively. The GI ranks foods based on how they affect blood sugar levels, helping diabetics make informed choices. Foods with …
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