Kylie and Lauren are peeling back the layers, offering a refreshing perspective on the delicate relationship between nutrition, diabetes, and overall well-being. This isn’t just another discussion; it’s a profound exploration of the human side of dietary management. These experts are sharing the invaluable wisdom they’ve gained while guiding countless clients through transformative journeys.
Look into these highlights:
• Unraveling that puzzling disconnect between A1C levels and seemingly positive dietary changes
• Unveiling how overlooked conditions like anemia could be impacting your glucose markers
• Demystifying the truth about “green light” plant foods and diabetes management
• Decoding those tricky nutrition labels to separate fact from fiction at the grocery store
• Striking the sweet spot with fruit for balanced blood sugar
• Harnessing the power of fruit and veggie combos for next-level nutrient absorption
• Unlocking the holistic health benefits of those raw, green powerhouses
• Embracing variety as the key to a thriving, happy gut microbiome
This goes beyond just numbers – it’s an inside look at how our physiology, mindset, and relentless pursuit of vibrant health are intertwined. Kylie and Lauren guide you through this journey with their evidence-based, compassionate approach that reminds us we’re all human figures on this path.
Watch and Enjoy!
Cyrus & Robby
Guaranteed Diabetes Coaching
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Insulin Resistance Diet — What To Eat & Why
How To Lower Your A1c Naturally
Why Does Your Blood Sugar Spike in the Morning?
What Are the Best and Worst Foods for Diabetics? | Green, Yellow, & Red Light Foods
Weight Loss and Preventing Diabetes: What’s the Link?
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