What are hyperglycemia symptoms?
What is dangerously high blood sugar?
What to do if a patient is hyperglycemic?
When is hyperglycemia an emergency?
What is the fastest way to reduce hyperglycemia?
How to reduce glucose levels?
What are 2 common symptoms of hyperglycemia?
How to avoid hyperglycemia?
What are 5 signs of a diabetic emergency?
Is 200 blood sugar normal after eating?
Is 400 blood sugar very high?
What should I eat if my sugar is high?
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Excessive thirst, excessive urination, excessive appetite, weight loss and weakness are the signs of diabetes. Get your blood sugar checked. There are two types of diabetes mellitus majorly. One is type 1 and other is type 2. In type 1 there is absence of insulin or complete damage of beta cells leading to increase level of blood sugar, this condition is also known known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and in such cases doctors usually prescribe insulin injections. In type 2 diabetes mellitus where decreased production of insulin is seen or sometimes insulin doesn’t work properly.
In such cases doctor usually prescribe oral medicine along with dietary control, lifestyle modifications and regular exercise.
A-B-C of diabetes management, A for A1c should be checked, B for blood pressure should be under control and C for cholesterol to be monitored regularly.
3 aims of treatment is to repair and revive beta cells, improve insulin secretion and it’s utilisation.
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Dr. Mohammad Junaid, MD(Ay.)
From Delhi India