Pre Diabetes Diagnosis and Solutions. Pre Diabetes routine blood test
లో తెలియక పోవచ్చు. Doctors frequent గా అన్ని tests order చెయ్యరు, దానికి గల కారణాలు ఏంటి. Limitations ఏంటి?
Solutions – ఈ Pre Diabetes & Insulin Resistance కి Simple Solutions ఏంటి.
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What are some clinical symptoms of insulin resistance
What are other methods of diagnosing Insulin Resistance apart from routine lab tests?
What are some simple solutions we need to work on to avoid insulin resistance?
Time Line:
00:00 – 01:00: Intro
1:00 – 2:00: Problems with Insulin Resistance
2:00 – 3:00: Some Clinical Signs of Insulin Resistance
3:00 – 7:00: Labs and Limitations
7:00 – 10:30: Solutions 7″S”
What are normal levels of insulin and why don’t we test it more?