1. Blood Sugar Monitoring
Smart Diabetic Patient: Regularly monitors blood sugar levels multiple times a day, keeps a log, and adjusts diet or medication based on the results.
Normal Patient: Rarely checks blood sugar, relies solely on scheduled doctor visits for updates.
2. Diet and Nutrition
Smart Diabetic Patient: Follows a well-balanced diet plan, counts carbohydrates, avoids sugary foods, and includes high-fiber, low-GI foods.
Normal Patient: Eats without much planning, often indulges in sugary or high-carbohydrate foods, and lacks awareness of portion control.
3. Physical Activity
Smart Diabetic Patient: Incorporates regular physical activity into daily routine, including both aerobic exercises and strength training.
Normal Patient: Leads a sedentary lifestyle with minimal or no regular exercise, resulting in poor blood sugar control and higher risk of complications.
4. Medication Adherence
Smart Diabetic Patient: Takes medications as prescribed, never misses doses, and keeps in regular contact with healthcare providers to adjust treatment as needed.
Normal Patient: Frequently forgets to take medications, does not follow the prescribed schedule, and delays consulting healthcare providers.
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